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General Info

Just the basic guidelines to start us off on the right foot!


o 25+ Writers only. No exceptions.


o M/M pairs only. Other genders are fine for side characters, though.


o Original Only. No Fandoms.


o Beyond the trope. Characters should be more than just a cutout.

Writing Style

o 3rd POV, Present Tense. I require the same from my partners.


o Quality over Quantity; I write varying lengths depending on the scene. A few words to multiple paragraphs.


o Please, no purple prose. I'm looking for a mature style.


o Discord only.


o EST time. Free most weekends.


o Reply frequency varies from daily to 2-3x a week. I'd prefer the same.


o I'd love to be able to do some rapid-fire responses when we're both free!

OOC Relationship

o My long term partners have always been people I can chat and cut up with OOC. I make friends with my writing partners. If this isn't you, please move on.


o I have two cats and I will tell you about them :3

Yes & No

The main things I look for most in my partners ; and the big things I try to avoid!

Please read carefully. Thank you!

Hell Yeah!

o I'm looking for partners with a developed sense of writing style, who have at least some experience writing creatively.


o Strong grammar, spelling, proper use of your/you're, their/they're/there, tense, etc.




Mature Style

o Humor is important both in character and out of character.


o I write better with partners who are laid back enough to chat and joke with me outside of RP.


o I also enjoy a good bit of humor between characters, of course!


o I LOVE details when it comes to world building. If starting from scratch and creating whole new settings isn't for you, we may not work out well! If it is, then great!


o The more detailed a world, the more real and alive it feels - and the more fun it is to play in!

World Building

o I like having more than one ship, sometimes, in a setting ; even if their respective arcs don't directly overlap. Not required, but can be fun!


o I DO require the occasional side character, though. NPC's make for great plot devices!

Multiple Chars

o I like when characters have some tensions and issues to work out. Doesn't have to be major, but I like a good build-up!


o Overcoming obstacles and the occasional butting of heads is my fav!

Imperfect 'Ships

I'll Pass...

o 21+ is my usual limit for characters. 


o History of past experiences is fine, as long as they don't go into any explicit/graphic detail.


o I don't like them and can't play with them. I find using them to be creepy, even when they're just models and not actors.


o Artwork of characters must belong to you. I will ask for samples before agreeing to having them posted as official reference.


o I prefer we make custom characters for our custom worlds.


o The use of pre-made characters is a turn off, and I don't enjoy it. Let's build a story together, please!

Pre-Made Chars

o 2D characters are no fun. It's ok to start with a trope and expand on it, but if all they are is a stereotype I'd rather pass.


o Please be prepared to flesh out characters into believable "people". Thanks!

Shallow Tropes

o If a scene naturally heads down Smut-Lane, I'd like to see it through to the end in all its glory.


o That being said, I don't mind skipping here and there if it doesn't add much to the plot and neither of us are feeling it atm.

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