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Counting Foxes

 I'm a 30+ year old avid Roleplayer who's been in the game for 15+ years.

As an experienced Roleplayer and writer, my tastes have grown over the years to

include a wide range of genres and character types.


I've written everything from Fantasy, to Scifi, to Horror, with a few other genres sprinkled

in-between. My writing style is detailed but concise. I don't tend to put in more than I feel

a scene requires to be felt and realized - but I do like to put in enough that it can be easily envisioned. That means my responses range anywhere from 1-5 paragraphs depending on the type of scene; though a typical response is around 1-3 paragraphs in length.


I prefer partners that are just as excited about world building and character creation as I am, and who enjoy delving into the details of what makes a world, and a person, tick. Figuring

out the culture, history and politics of a particular setting is what helps it to come alive.

I like to play in worlds that I can believe in.



Please be sure to check out the rest of my info on this site.


Thanks for stopping by!

"Hello there...!

You can call me Owlie or Fox."

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